Pragnya Haralur
playing ghost: despite being both parts
entropy, every theoretical advantage will always lose to an ending.
At night I unmake imitation games like
hollowed-out blood moon, separating each variation into catalyst,
magic girl transformation and nonlinear
love story. One: in the free will between fallacy and beginning exists
an apocalypse set to play in reverse. Time
travel solved with every won position: I attempt to emulate every
possible death within the span of five hours &
end up with a body divided unto loss. Theoretically inconceivable.
& yet. Two: Did you know I am only destined to
love you in universes where we die? At [+0.42] we collapse under a
tunnel explosion, sky parting into space. In another,
we hide counterfeits of our bodies in our ghosts, hoping for someone
to notice. We trace our palm lines like foil from
chocolate coins, double-bodied and soundless. For every failure
we found loopholes to pretend there was counterplay.
Watched as every story spiraled into syllable, sucked until
sun. Three: in record time i calculate out an elegy +
replace my tongue with dissonance so we come full circle. (as seen in:
Computers Solve Possibility! How To Piece
Together Complete Equilibrium Using Nothing But An Opening!) At
this point, the only way to win is to start from
a beginning, wherever that may be. Rematch every universe until you
catch a chokehold. A litany for littler things,
ripe until rebirth.

PRAGNYA HARALUR is a teen South Asian writer who enjoys Mitski and nonlinear narratives amongst other things and hopes you are having a good day. She has been nominated for Best of the Net, and you can find her on Twitter @mooonIighting.