Dana Blatte
“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.”
– Genesis 11:1-9
& it came to pass that we were stars
-truck. See, we departed from the angle of the
sun. Found brick & stone to build a city
between our hands. Said let us make
a name & twisted dirt into tower,
sand into syllables, heaven into heritage.
We were so close to touch-
ing the sky. So far from ground the flood
narrative sloughed from our skulls. & it came to pass
that our tongues angered God, our mouths
too round & sharp in the sinful ways we shared
our breaths. See, we found heaven
but it did not want us: God blurred
our names so we out-
smarted the water & only stoned our-
selves. The narrative shifted
the tower & we closed into fists, twisted
dirt into dust, sand into storm, heaven
into harbinger. Bricks scattered
bones, & we were so close to touching it all. Let us
make a name, we said, but we got
tongues instead. The flood-
gates opened & no water poured out,
no city blurred the sky, no
names to share our sins—
& so it came to pass.
DANA BLATTE is a high school student from Massachusetts. Her work is published in Peach Magazine, Rust + Moth, Up the Staircase Quarterly, and more, and has been recognized by YoungArts, The New York Times, and the Massachusetts Poetry Festival, among others. Besides writing, she loves illustration, linguistics, and honey almond butter. Find her on Twitter @infflorescence.